Now on: Künstlerische Intelligenz

Now On: sculpture route Haarlem

Sculpture route Haarlemmerhout The 3D print of Girozoom Inc is 32 cm tall and is as a multiple for sale.  For information contact Willem:   On invitation of the Stichting Hildebrandmonument, I take part in the sculpture route in 2019 along the Dreef and the beginning of the Fonteinlaan in Haarlem. A wonderful initiative […]

new booklet on Willem’s most recent work out now

  “I think that if you do not fit into an existing category, you have to be or become one on your own.” . Willem Harbers 2019 . Some time ago, Willem Harbers and I (Gérard Goodrow) traveled together to Santorini for the opening of the exhibition T-FACTORY featuring new works by our mutual friend, […]