From the series The Last Rock; Pendulepre
Steel, aluminium, marble, brass, paint, rubber
83-32-22 cm
private collection
9 August 2020 by
- Dromereiber
- Perihaftig
- Auxilaufer
- Inflapod
- Gascibateur 3T
- Pantofähig
- Supine
- Launebummler
- Luftiklabor
- Air Liminator
- Girosplode
- Work in Progress; Girosplode
- A Future now Past
- Cushionor (multiple, edition 5)
- Maniscopra
- Scarico
- Pistondoro
- Sievert
- Azullandir
- Trabiccor
- Trabiclaaf
- Centripetor
- Egbert’s Ego R1