Galerie Franzis Engels – Life Lines
6 september t/m 5 oktober 2014
For our autumn exhibition we are proud to present four artists of consummate craftsmanship:
Willem Harbers, Karin Rianne Westendorp, Deirdre McLoughlin and Christiaan Kuitwaard.
Strong lines are integral to all their works and with these they mine fine conceptual works in steel, clay, marble, charcoal, oil paint and bronze.
You are cordially invited on the opening Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 of September, 13.00 till 18.00 hours.
On Sunday 5 October from 17.00 tot 20.00 hours we have the finissage.
In the sculptures of Willem Harbers we enter a world of curious unexpected lines, of seemingly displaced machine parts coming together in silence to unite in whole works. The sculptures breathe an electric stillness. They sparkle in their beauty. Each component has been precisely crafted from marble and metal. Machines conceived for boundless stillness.
Karin Rianne Westendorp creates work that invites you to look again – and again. Like peeling off the layers of the onion her works lure you deeper. With paper and charcoal she uncovers a vast powerful landscape with delicate tiny lines. There is a sense of solitariness in her drawings. The solitariness of the artist communicates in calm and warmth with the solitariness in the viewer. Her drawings are fearless.
The lines in the sculptures of Deirdre McLoughlin push into and gather the surrounding space. They resonate a sensuality that compels touch and at the same time a quality of humour implies distance. Her works are in high-fired ceramic, that material that brings us sculptures from the deep past and made to survive into a far-flung future. Signs that we are here now.
Christiaan Kuitwaard’s paintings live in the twilight, between light and dark. They softly express a presence that is absent. The works are calm and in the deepest sense – still lifes. A quality of peace transcends the controlled anguish. The works are haunting in their beauty.