kunstadvies Hanneke Janssen & galerie Mia Joosten in Amsterdam

Kunstadvies Hanneke Janssen & Galerie Mia Joosten present Willem Harbers, Armando, Linda Arts, Rudi Struik and more in Amsterdam.

Maniscopra by Willem Harbers

After a well-run Art Den Haag, I am once again working with Hanneke Janssen. This time in a group exhibition in the heart of Amsterdam in collaboration with gallery Mia Joosten. Together they present 9 artists in the project space BMB. A beautiful combination of work in a wonderful space. For me this is a home game because Amsterdam is my base. So I hope to meet you all here!

Participating artists:
Armando . Linda Arts . William Black . Laurens Mostert . Willem Harbers . Jan HenderikseSebastiaan Spit . Rudi StruikMagosja TurkawskiPetar Tuskan

Saturday December 17 till Sunday Januari 28 2024

Opening: Saterday  December 17 from 15.00 – 19.00 uur.
Locatie: Projectruimte BMB
Address: Kerkstraat 129A, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E: info@kunstadvies-hannekejanssen.nl
M: +31 (0)6 43 21 19 90


Artist Talk by Willem Harbers

Friday January 19 Willem Harbers comes to talk about his work. Willem Harbers creates wonderful, machine-like sculptures and installations. He often exhibits in the Netherlands and abroad, gives lectures and workshops and publications about his work appear regularly. It is beautifully made with great attention to detail. Most people have no idea what an artist does all day. In an inspiring lecture of  of an hour, Willem will take you into the world of his art. Using lots of visual material, he will show where his passion lies and how his work has developed in recent years. Willem talks about the process of creating a work of art, about the choice of materials and about what he experiences in his artistic practice. There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion. It promises to be a stimulating evening in the heart of Amsterdam. Experience it and join Willem in conversation during this Artist Talk! This talk will be in Dutch.
When :     Friday January 19
Time:       18.30 – 19.30 hrs,
Location : project space BMB
Address :  Kerkstraat 129A, Amsterdam.
E mail:     info@kunstadvies-hannekejanssen.nl
M:            +31 (0)6 43 21 19 90
Extra opening hours: Friday January 19, the gallery will be open  from 12.30 to 21.00 in connection with Willem Harbers’ artist talk.
If you want to be assured of a place, you can register in advance by sending an email to info@kunstadvies-hannekejanssen.nl ovvv Artist Talk Willem Harbers Friday January 19.Of course you can also drop by on the evening itself. You are most welcome!
More: www.willemharbers.nl  www.kunstadvies-hannekejanssen.nl
Willem Harbers Artist Talk.


Willem Harbers supported by the Mondriaan Fund

artist supported by the Mondriaan Fund